Jubrail Haddad, '71, BS 

Currently Resides In: Amman, Jordan 

Volunteer Position(s) with KSUAA: Activity coordinator I have been serving as an activity coordinator for the past year.

Why is volunteering with KSUAA important to you? What motivates you to volunteer?
I am both passionate and motivated to serve the community through KSUAA.

Why did you choose to attend ¶¶MÅ®ÆÍ?
One of my relatives recommended that I attend ¶¶MÅ®ÆÍ and I took that advice. 

What are your favorite memories at ¶¶MÅ®ÆÍ?
Some of my favorite memories are sledding in front of the administration building after the first snow, my first part-time job at Terrace Hall cafeteria and the dedicated staff in the Aerospace department. 

What were you involved in as a student? 
I was involved in international student activities, the transfer of the old library into its new building and I served at the first bar in the old student union. 

Why did you decide to volunteer after graduating?
I was seeking a way to serve the community and decided to volunteer. 

What is your favorite event you participated in as a volunteer?
My favorite event was serving the elderly and needy during our annual Alumni Day of Service.

What is your proudest accomplishment(s) as a volunteer?
One of my proudest accomplishments was simply being able to help those in need by doing a simple act of kindness. 

What advice would you share with someone looking to volunteer with KSUAA?
The first reward after serving others comes from your inner feelings when you see others happy and thankful. The second reward is the service you were able to the community.