BHRI helps sponsor major international neuroendocrine conference


MŮ’s Brain Health Research Institute recently helped sponsor and participated in the 4th World Conference on Kisspeptin, “Kisspeptin 2022”, which was held on August 5–6, 2022, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Kisspeptin 2022 featured presentations of cutting-edge research from leading scientists in the field of neuroscience on the diverse roles kisspeptin plays in the human brain and body, and on the ways that knowledge has improved our understanding of human health and treatment of disease. Brain Health Research Institute provided sponsorship and played a key role in organizing and providing administrative support for Kisspeptin 2022. BHRI Director Dr. Mike Lehman and Dr. Waljit Dhillo of Imperial College, London, UK, were the event’s co-organizers and worked together with a team of leading researchers from across the globe to ensure the overall success of Kisspeptin 2022.

Among the plenary speakers at Kisspeptin 2022 were BHRI faculty members from the Department of Biological Sciences, including Dr. Aleisha Moore, whose talk was entitled, “Kiss and tell: in vivo imaging reveals dynamic temporal organization of the KNDy pulse generator”, and Dr. Richard Piet with “Preoptic kisspeptin neurons and the circuits regulating ovulation”. In addition, BHRI Director Mike Lehman was the conference’s final plenary speaker and presented a talk titled “Wild and woolly: contributions of the sheep model to kisspeptin biology”.


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Dr. Lehman at the Kisspeptin Conference


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Dr. Piet at the Kisspeptin Conference


Kisspeptin 2022 was held as a satellite conference to another major international scientific meeting, the 10th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology also held in Glasgow, Scotland. BHRI faculty also presented their research at this meeting, as well as participated in a Trainee Workshop sponsored by the Pan American Neuroendocrine Society on “Cutting Edge Techniques in Neuroendocrinology” that followed it. The workshop, which was attended by 50 trainees representing several different countries, included presentations on innovative techniques and career development topics from Drs. Moore, Piet, and Lehman.

These summer events in Scotland provided a very rewarding experience for BHRI researchers, enhancing the international visibility and reputation of MŮ in neuroendocrinology and building on our status as a R1 research university. We appreciate the return to in-person meetings, and look forward to participating in many more exciting scientific conferences in the near future!

Updated: Thursday, September 28, 2023 02:57 PM
Lolita Winning