Students Nationally Recognized for Public Relations Work

MŮ Has Placed in the Top Tier for Bateman Case Study Competition for Nine out of the Last 10 Years

Two teams of MŮ Media and Journalism students are being honored nationally for their work building public relations campaigns for Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF).

Throughout the Spring 2022 semester, the students participated in the National Bateman Case Study Competition, hosted by the Public Relations Student Society of America. Out of more than 50 entries, both teams of MŮ students earned honorable mentions for their work. This is the ninth time in 10 years that a MŮ team has been recognized among the top tier of submissions for this competition.

Each year, the Bateman competition calls upon student teams to research, plan, implement and evaluate a public relations plan for a real client.

Maddy Haberberger, ’22, a member of the Bateman Blue team, reflected on her team being honored for their E.R.A.S.E. Lymphoma campaign.

“Being a part of Bateman Blue was such an incredible experience — we got to plan and implement a real public relations campaign with real impact for a client that meant a lot to our team members personally,” she said. “To see it make an impact on our campus and to have it be recognized by PRSSA is such an honor, and I'm so grateful I got to be a part of it.”

Members of Bateman Blue included: Haberberger (journalism major); Jordyn Forkell, '22 (fashion merchandising major); and public relations majors Eve Krejci, '23Chloe Zofchak, '23; and Yarilis Sotomayor, '22.

Austin Monigold, ’22, a member of the other team, Bateman Gold, said he feels humbled to be recognized for his team’s B.E.A.T. Lymphoma campaign. Looking back at the start of the campaign, “we saw a great challenge that seemed overwhelming,” he said.

“In the face of it, we leaned on each other to share ideas and do the work that would eventually propel us to our honorable mention recognition,” Monigold continued. “We are so humbled and thrilled to have received this great honor. We were able to complete work for an amazing nonprofit organization providing support and doing life-saving research in the Lymphoma Research Foundation. We have made friendships that will last for a long time, and we were able to do it while completing work that will benefit our careers.”

Members of Bateman Gold included: Monigold, Emily King, '23; Tamra McMillion, '23; Morgan Cummings, '23 (all public relations majors); and Maggie Werren, '23 (communication studies major).

Faculty advisor and Professor Stefanie Moore says she is more than proud to see the hard work from both Bateman teams recognized. 

 “Both teams implemented strategic, creative and realistic campaigns to raise awareness about lymphoma and the Lymphoma Research Foundation,” Moore said. “The students poured their hearts into their work, and it paid off. Bateman students not only learned how to research, plan, implement and evaluate a public relations campaign, but they also learned a lot about themselves and how to effectively work as part of a team.” 

POSTED: Monday, May 2, 2022 02:29 PM
UPDATED: Thursday, October 03, 2024 04:33 PM
Zach Zdanowicz, '22