Important Information Regarding Student Class Registration

As we begin the new semester, the Office of the University Registrar asks for your assistance in making sure that all students are properly registered for their Summer I, II or III 2017 courses.
Per university policy, only officially registered students are permitted to attend courses. Go to Faculty & Advisors/Faculty Dashboard to find the link to official class rosters in FlashLine. Students who are not officially registered within the appropriate time period WILL NOT receive a grade or earn credit for the course even if they attend the entire course and complete all required work.
Registration and schedule adjustment deadlines for courses can be found in the Detailed Class Search. To access the Detailed Class Search, visit the Office of the University Registrar's website at www.kent.edu/registrar, click the Schedule of Classes quick link and select Summer 2017 or in FlashLine, go to Faculty & Advisors/Resources/Courses and click on the Registration Deadlines and Tuition Credit search link.
Instructors are asked to remind students that it is important to finalize and verify their registration within the proper timeframe. After the published deadlines, adjustments in registration will require faculty and Office of the University Registrar approval.

Grades Submission Information

The deadline for submitting final grades can be found on the Office of the University Registrar's website at www.kent.edu/registrar.   

Incomplete Mark and NF/SF Administrative Marks
The administrative mark SF (Stopped Attending – Fail) denotes that the student stopped attending the course and did not formally withdraw and must be accompanied by a date of last attendance in the course. If a student has stopped attending your course, the SF can be entered on the Final Grade Roster along with the student’s last date of attendance.
The administrative mark NF (Never Attended – Fail) denotes that the student neither attended one class session nor formally withdrew from the course. If a student has never attended your course, the NF can be entered on the Academic Presence Verification Roster by marking the student as Not Started.
The administrative mark of IN (Incomplete) may be given to students who are unable to complete the work due to extenuating circumstances. To be eligible, undergraduate students must be currently earning a D or better grade and are unable to complete the required work between the course withdrawal deadline and the end of classes. Graduate students must be currently earning a C or better grade and are unable to complete the required work between the course withdrawal deadline and the end of classes. Instructors are required to complete and submit an Incomplete Mark Form to the department chair when an incomplete mark is assigned.
To access the Incomplete Mark Form, log in to FlashLine and click on the Faculty & Advisors Category/Faculty Dashboard/Faculty Workflows section.
For complete information about university grading policies, including incomplete mark and NF/SF grading policies, procedures and timelines, visit the Grading Policies and Procedures section in the .  

POSTED: Thursday, June 8, 2017 01:23 PM
Updated: Friday, June 16, 2017 02:09 PM
