
Fellows Funding Application Preview

Welcome to the application for ESDRI Fellows research funding!

Environmental Science and Design Research Institute (ESDRI) is excited that you are about to embark on a research or creative activity project or attend a professional conference! As an ESDRI fellow, please submit this application to be considered for financial support through our institute.

* You may apply once every academic year (e.g. Summer 2023 - Spring 2024) for funding, but preferably not during your final semester.
* You may apply for up to $3,000 over the course of your fellowship.
* You must have a faculty mentor to apply for funding. They will be required to write a recommendation letter on your behalf upon completion of your application. Please notify them of your intent to apply before submitting an application.
* Funding is on a first come, first serve basis, and some receipts are required.
Non-travel funding will be paid via one lump sum to the primary faculty's department on your behalf.
Travel funding (including transportation, food, lodging) will be credited to your Bursar account, but the money may not be available before your trip. In this case, you would pay all costs yourself (via cash or credit card; please keep all receipts). Then, when the money is deposited into your Bursar account, you can reimburse yourself.
* Applications for funding are reviewed on a year-round basis, at the end of every calendar month. You will receive a follow-up email from esdri@kent.edu whether you are approved or denied funding. All applicants will be notified via their @kent.edu email address the subsequent month.
For example, if you submitted your application on January 2, your application will be reviewed on January 31, with a decision being emailed to you in February.
*Fields with an asterisk are required.

First name*


Last name*


@kent.edu email address*


Pronouns (e.g. he/him, they/them, etc)


Banner ID* 


Are you a current, permanent United States citizen?*

  • Yes

  • No

Term and year of anticipated graduation (e.g. Spring 2026)*


Please upload a current curriculum vitae or r茅sum茅 (.pdf)*


Who will be your mentor for this research project or creative activity?*  

Mentor's name


Mentor's kent.edu email address


Mentor's KSU department



Have you previously received funding as part of ESDRI's Fellows Program?*

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, when?


Indicate the total amount of funding you are requesting (to the nearest dollar)*

Money awarded may be spent on supplies, travel, a research stipend for you, conference attendance (and associated costs), printing costs, participation incentives, as well as other research-related costs.  

If awarded, what will this funding be used for? Please check all that apply.*

  • Incentives for test subjects

  • Printing costs

  • Student's research stipend

  • Supplies (i.e. physical items)

  • Travel > actively researching or presenting (this includes transportation, lodging, etc.)

  • Travel > conference attendance (this includes transportation, lodging, etc.)

  • Other (please describe below)

Please provide a detailed break down of the money you are requesting, with one line per item on an Excel spreadsheet ().
Include the following information:
1) detailed description of the item,
2) cost per item,
3) quantity requested,
4) total cost (that is, #2 multiplied by #3).
For example, "Hourly wages to conduct research in Fall 2024 (10 hours per week for 15 weeks); $15.00/hour x 150 hours = $2,250 student stipend" or "Bushnell Core S-4K No Glow Trail Camera; $149.99 x 2 = $299.98 supplies"
5) if applicable (not needed for stipends, incentives), please include a link for us to see an example of the product or service requested.
For example, a link to the Amazon page with the cost of the product or a link to a conference's registration costs.
6) which category -- from the previous question -- this line item falls under.
For the example above, the research labor would be considered "Student's research stipend" and the cameras would be considered "Supplies".
7) if applicable, all documentation
For example, conference registration confirmation or airport parking receipts.

Please upload your document below (.xlsx)*

Please provide a project description addressing your research project, answering the questions below. .

1) What will you be researching, specifically?   
Including background information (with at least three references), research question(s), and methods.
2) What do you require funding for?
3) How does this align with your academic and/or professional goals?
4) What deliverables can ESDRI expect to see (e.g. a published article, a piece of art)?
If research funding is received, you will need to present it at a university symposium or conference.

Please upload your document below (.doc, .docx, .pdf)*