
4 - 03.303

Operational procedures and regulations regarding sound-amplification equipment

  1. Purpose. The use of sound-amplification equipment on the Kent campus is limited to registered student organizations and university departments.
  2. Scope. In order to insure compliance with this policy, registered student organizations and university departments are required to register the use of sound-amplification equipment with the scheduling office.
  3. Procedure.
    1. Sound-amplification equipment may not be used at any time, in any place, or in such a manner so as to substantially disrupt the university's functions of teaching, research, public service or administration, or study and sleep in the residence halls, or other properly scheduled events.
    2. Sound-amplification equipment may be used outside buildings in the areas listed below at the time specified when the area has not been previously scheduled.
      1. On the Kent student center plaza between noon and one p.m. Monday through Saturday; and between five p.m. Saturday and noon Sunday;
      2. On the commons when classes are not scheduled;
      3. On the intramural fields;
      4. On the field south of the ice arena between ten a.m. and eight p.m.; and
      5. On Manchester field.
    3. Sound-amplification equipment may be used inside buildings only where specifically permitted by the rules governing the respective facility.
    4. The appropriate facility curator(s), in consultation with the dean of students, or designee, may waive these restrictions or make available additional areas for sound-amplification equipment use for good cause shown. Requests for such a waiver should be filed with the center for student involvement.
  4. Violations. The facility curator or other appropriate university official shall inform any individual(s) or group(s) who is in violation of this rule and request compliance. Failure to comply immediately shall subject the individual(s) or group(s) to sanctions under rule 3342-4-02 of the Administrative Code or to the filing of criminal charges.
  5. Appeals. Any individual, group, or department convinced that arbitrary or unreasonable limitations have been imposed in the implementation of this rule may appeal to the vice president for student affairs or designee.
Policy Effective Date:
May 30, 2017
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
10/4/1975, 6/1/2007, 3/1/2015