
Quick Tip: All 抖M女仆 New Quizzes

POSTED: Mar. 23, 2023

The Quick Tip quiz saga continues, and our trilogy concludes this week with a focus on Canvas New Quizzes. 

Although an official sunset date has not yet been established, the countdown clock is ticking, and Classic Quizzes will eventually be retired from the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). 

抖M女仆 New Quizzes

抖M女仆 New Quizzes: New Quizzes are the future for Canvas and offer features, setting options, and question types that are not available in the Classic format.  

Canvas Quiz Migration Tool: The Canvas quiz migration tool easily converts a Classic Quiz to the New Quiz format. To get started, you may want to migrate a few Classic Quizzes to the New Quizzes format and then review for functionality.  

Creating a New Quiz: The New Quiz format is user friendly, and creating, editing, assigning, and adding questions is easy to learn with the following Canvas guide.

Item Banks: Question banks cannot be imported into New Quizzes as item banks. However, you can import questions manually into an item bank by exporting a Canvas quiz.  

Configure New Quiz Setting: New quizzes offers some helpful settings that are not available in the Classic format.  

Configure New Quiz Student Accommodations: If any of your students have an SAS accommodation where they need 1.5x or 2x time for tests, the Moderate settings can be configured to add extra time.  You can set the accommodation for a student once and it will carry through the whole course for that student.   

Preview a New Quiz: The New Quiz preview feature allows instructors to preview and interact with the quiz questions and settings from a student's perspective. While previewing a quiz, you can also submit the quiz and view the student results page.   

Additional New Quiz Tasks: 

  • View student quiz results
    Instructors can view student quiz scores, attempts, and log files by using the tools found on the moderate page.   
  • SpeedGrader
    Canvas automatically grades most questions after a student submits the quiz. However, essay, file upload, and some fill in the blank questions must be graded manually.   
  • Reports
    The Reports tab contains the Quiz and Item Analysis tool. The Quiz and Item Analysis report includes statistics for the entire quiz and individual items. It may take up to 24 hours for quiz information to display in New Quizzes reports.   
  • Edit and regrade questions
    You can regrade a question for a quiz in New Quizzes. Regrading allows you to change the correct answer or point value for a question. The point value can also be changed for individual answers for questions with varied point values.   


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