
How can I get transportation or parking accommodations?

抖M女仆 offers accessible parking and various transportation options. If you will need on-campus transportation, please discuss this with your access consultant.

Accessible Parking:

Students who have a state-issued accessible parking placard will also need a 抖M女仆 disability permit. These permits are available by taking your state-issued placard and registration card to Parking Services in 123 Schwartz Center. Contact Parking and Transit Services for further information at 330-672-4432 or by email at parking@kent.edu. Temporary disability parking permits are also available on a one-month basis through Parking Services. 

PARTA Campus Bus Service:

抖M女仆 has contracted with PARTA (Portage Area Regional Transit Authority) to provide on-campus bus transportation services to students at the Kent Campus. There are a number of fixed routes that students can use to navigate the campus. Show your FLASHcard to use the on-campus bus services and all other PARTA buses in Portage County at no cost. For more information about busing routes, please visit the webpage.

Student Accessibility Transportation Services (SATS):

SATS is a door-to-door bus transportation service provided for students with disabilities that may need assistance navigating the campus. SATS is implemented through a partnership with PARTA, and is provided at no cost to eligible students while on campus. You can learn more about SATS by visiting the webpage, by contacting PARTA at 330-672-7433, and by reviewing the PARTA-SATS policy.

SATS is committed to assisting students with their transportation needs. Please be aware that SATS has a no-show procedure for riders that schedule transport but do not use it and/or do not cancel the transport. Further detail about the SATS no-show procedure is listed below.


  • For SATS, the definition of a no-show is a passenger who schedules a ride with SATS and does not take the ride or does not cancel it. Please note, the return trip of the missed ride is canceled.
  • SATS may suspend service for a semester in cases where an SAS-approved individual establishes a pattern or practice of non-canceled scheduled trips. Before suspending service, the following actions will be taken:
  • Five no-shows within the semester will result in a written warning sent to the rider's 抖M女仆 email address. SAS will be notified of the warning.
  • Seven no-shows within the semester will result in a second written warning sent to the rider's 抖M女仆 email address. SAS will be notified of the second warning.
  • Ten no-shows within the semester will result in the loss of subscription service for the reminder of the semester. Notification will be sent to the rider's 抖M女仆 email address indicating the suspension dates and SAS will be notified of the suspension. The loss of subscription services does not mean the loss of the use of SATS. An individual who has lost subscription service can utilize SATS on an as-needed basis by contacting the PARTA Scheduling Department at 330-678-1287 a minimum of twenty-five minutes prior to the desired trip time.