Note-Taking Assistance

What are note-taking accommodations?

Students whose disability presents significant barriers to their ability to learn to take quality notes may be eligible for a note-taking accommodation. This includes students with physical disabilities that impact writing, visual disabilities, and learning disabilities. Students are expected to independently utilize any necessary technology for this accommodation. Class notes are strictly for personal academic use and may not be shared, distributed, or used for any other purpose beyond their own review of course materials.   

Messenger Pigeon:

Note-taking accommodations are primarily implemented through Messenger Pigeon, a paid professional note-taking service. Students utilizing this accommodation should record their class lectures and upload the lecture into the Messenger Pigeon portal. They will receive notes within 48 hours. SAS will provide eligible students with login credentials at no cost to the student.  

How do students use Messenger Pigeon?

  • Attend class and capture a good quality audio recording. Students may utilize the Messenger Pigeon app, desktop application, or may record on a separate device. 
  • Upload notes to Messenger Pigeon after class. 
  • Students should alert SAS if there are concerns with their login credentials or note-taking turn around time.  

Peer Note-taker:

In limited circumstances, the use of Messenger Pigeon may not be appropriate for a student’s disability. In these cases, SAS will work with the faculty member to identify a peer note-taker who can share copies of notes with the student. If a peer note-taker cannot be identified, SAS will hire a student employee to attend class and take notes.  

Contact your Access Advisor with questions or concerns.