
Award for Best Publication in Mental Health

Previous Winners

Year Name Affiliation (at time of Award) Title
2022 Dohoon Lee, and Byungkyu Lee. 2020   . 鈥淭he Role of Multilayered Peer Groups in Adolescent Depression: A Distributional Approach.鈥

American Journal of Sociology 125(6): 1513-1558.

2022 Patricia Louie, Patricia, Laura Upenieks, Christy L. Erving, and Courtney S. Thomas Tobin   鈥淒o Racial Differences in Coping Explain the Black-White Paradox in Mental Health? A Test of Multiple Mechanisms.鈥 Journal of Health and Social Behavior

Daniel Schneider

Kristen Harknett

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, San Francisco

Consequences of Routine Work-Schedule Instability for Worker Health and Well-Being, American Sociological Review, 84(1): 82-114.

2019 Jason Schnittker University of Pennsylvania

The Diagnostic System: Why the Classification of Psychiatric Disorders is Necessary, Difficult, and Never Settled. Columbia University Press. 2017.


Mario Luis Small


Tony Brown, Mary Laske Bell, and Evelyn J. Patterson

Harvard University
Vanderbilt University

Someone to Talk To. Oxford University Press, 2017


Imprisoned by Empathy: Familial Incarceration and Psychological Distress among African American Men in the National Survey of American Life, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 57(2):240-256. 2016.

Anna S. Mueller
Seth Abrutyn
Univeristy of Chicago
University of Memphis

Adolescents under Pressure: A New Durkheimian Framework for Understanding Adolescent Suicide in a Cohesive Community, American Sociological Review, 81(5): 877-899. 2016


Andrew Scull


Owen Whooley

University of California, San Diego


University of New Mexico

Madness in civilization: A cultural history of insanity, from the Bible to Freud, from the madhouse to modern medicine. Princeton University Press, 2015
Nosological Reflections The Failure of DSM-5, the Emergence of RDoC, and the Decontextualization of Mental Distress. Society and Mental Health, 4: 92-110. 2014

Anna S. Mueller
Seth Abrutyn

University of Memphis

Suicidal Disclosures among Friends:  Using Social Network Data to Understand Suicide Contagion. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 56: 131-148

2014 Mieke Beth Thomeer
Debra Umberson
Tetyana Pudrovska
University of Texas at Austin Marital Happiness and Depression: A Gendered and Relational Perspective, 2013, Society and Mental Health, 3(3), 151-169

Jason Schnittker

University of Pennsylvania

The Proximity of Common Unhappiness and Misery, Society and Mental Health, 2(3), 135-153. 2012


Scott Schleman
Paul Glavin

Univeristy of Toronto

Education and Work-Family Conflict: Explanations, Contingencies and Mental Health Consequences

2011 Robin Simon
Kathryn Lively
Wake Forest University
Dartmouth College
Sex, Anger, and Depression. Social Forces, 88(4): 1543-1568. 2010

John R. Reynolds
Chardie L. Baird

Florida State University
Kansas State University

Is There a Downside to Shooting for the Stars?: Unrealized Educational Expectations and Symptoms of Depression. American Sociological Review. 75:151-172. 2010


David Maimon
Danielle C. Kuhl

Ohio State University
Bowling Green University

Social Control and Youth Suicidality: Situating Durkheim's Ideas in a Multilevel Framework. American Sociological Review, 73: 921-943. 2008


Jane D. McLeod
Danielle L. Fettes

Indiana University
University of California

Trajectories of Failure: The Educational Careers of Children with Mental Health Problems, American Journal of Sociology. 113(3): 653-701. 2007


Bruce P. Dohrenwend, J. Blake Turner, Nicholas Turse, Ben Adams, Karestan Koenen, and Randall Marshall,

University of California

The Psychological Risks of Vietnam for US Veterans: A Revisit with New Data and Methods, Science 313(5789):979-982. 2006.


Johnny Hagan
Holly Foster

Northwestern University
Texas A&M University 

"S/He's a Rebel: Toward a Sequential Stress Theory of Delinquency and Gendered Pathways to Disadvantage in Emerging Adulthood" Social Forces, 82: 52-86. 2003


Robin W. Simon 

Florida State University

Revisiting the Relationships among Gender, Marital Status, and Mental Health. American Journal of Sociology, 107: 1065-96, 2002


Tami M. Videon

Carolyn K Manning

Montefiore Medical Center

Rutgers University

Influences on Adolescent Eating Patterns: The Importance of Family Meals. Journal of Adolescent Health, 32: 365-373. 2003


Carol Aneshensel
Jo Phelan

Columbia University

Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health


Sarah Rosenfield

Rutgers University

Labeling Mental Illness: The Effects of Received Services and Perceived Stigma on Life Satisfaction, American Sociological Review, 62(4):660-672. 1997. 


R. Jay Turner
Blair Wheaton
Donald Lloyd

Univeristy of Miami
University of Toronto
University of Toronto

The Epidemiology of Social Stress, American Sociological Review, 60(1):104-125. 1995.


Jane McLeod
Michael Shanahan

U Minnesota
UNC Chapel Hill

Poverty, Parenting, and Children鈥檚 Mental Health, American Sociological Review, 58(3):351-366. 1993.