
抖M女仆 the URCC


University committee


Educational Policies Council and Provost


This subcommittee of the Educational Policies Council (EPC) will oversee all courses that every student must take (i.e., university-wide curricular requirements). It will:

  • Periodically review and recommend changes in existing curricular requirements (LER, Diversity, and Writing Intensive)
  • Review new courses and program proposals and make recommendations on them
  • Initiate and monitor faculty development programs for instruction of these courses
  • Assess student learning outcomes from university-wide required courses and programs


The URCC will be composed of TWENTY-THREE (23) members representing faculty and administrators from the various colleges, independent schools and the University Library.  All but the administrative co-chair will be voting members.

  • Ten (10) members will be faculty chosen by curriculum committees representing the eight (8) colleges and independent schools, including Architecture and Environmental Design; Arts and Sciences; Business Administration; Communication and Information; Education, Health, and Human Services; the Arts; Nursing; Technology; and University Libraries and Media Services. .  A separate representative will be chosen from the Regional Campuses, appointed by the Regional Campuses Faculty Advisory Committee.
  • One (1) additional member from Arts and Sciences will be chosen by the Faculty Senate Chair upon recommendations of the Committee on Committees.  One (1) At-large member will be chosen by the Faculty Senate Chair upon recommendations of the Committee on Committees.
  • Nine (9) members will be assistant or associate deans from the eight (8) colleges and independent schools, plus the Regional Campuses.
  • One (1) member will be an undergraduate student, the Academic Affairs Chair (or designee) of the Undergraduate Student Senate.
  • One (1) member will be the Dean of the Honors College who will serve as co-chair of the committee along with a faculty member from the committee.


Administrative representatives will have responsibility for curriculum.  Faculty representatives should have undergraduate teaching responsibilities and a lively interest in or experience with curricular matters.  The student should have a lively interest in or governance responsibility for curriculum.


The terms of the administrative co-chair, college dean representatives and representatives of the Vice Provost for Regional Campuses will be indefinite.  The terms of the faculty members will be three (3) years, on a rotating basis.  No faculty member will be appointed for more than two terms in succession.  The student representative will be appointed annually, but may serve a second term.


Administrative representatives will be assigned by the deans and the Vice Provost for Regional Campuses.  The administrative co-chair will be appointed by the Provost.  Faculty appointments will be made by the college/school curriculum committee, Regional Campuses Faculty Advisory Committee, and Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, as outlined above.  The student representative will be, or be appointed by, the Academic Affairs Chair of the Undergraduate Student Senate.


Three alternates will be selected by the Chair of Faculty Senate based upon recommendations of the Committee on Committees.  If a member withdraws from the committee, the chairs will ask an alternate to complete the term.  The co-chairs will invite the alternates to attend any and all meetings.  Alternates may vote in place of absent voting members.


The URCC will convene at the call of the co-chairs starting in September of each academic year.


The co-chairs of the committee will be the Dean of the Honors College and a faculty member selected by and from the faculty membership.  These chairs will call and preside at meetings, distribute agendas and minutes, report results to the Provost, and, with the help of the committee, will write and disseminate periodic review reports.

Effective 1998
Approved by Committee on Committees; May 11, 1999
Updated and Approved by Committee on Committees; April 26, 2004
Updated and Approved by Committee on Committees; January 23, 2009