Informational Videos

Below are videos that contain information about the School of Art, presented by former School of Art Director, Marie Bukowski and School of Art Academic Advisor, Maria Robertson. If you have further questions, please feel free to email Advisor Maria Robertson at mrobert9@kent.edu.

Overview - This video provides an overview of the School of Art such as majors, minors and advising information.

Majors: Art Education, Art History, Studio Art

Minors Page



Facilities - This video provides more in-depth information about the facilities that are available to students at the Center for the Visual Arts.

Our Building

Our Facilities


Scholarships and Campus Resources - This video has information about School of Art and ¶¶MÅ®ÆÍ scholarships as well as an overview of on-campus resources available to students.

School of Art Scholarships

Campus Resources


Careers and Opportunities - This video describes different careers one can pursue in the visual arts as well as professional development opportunities provided at the School of Art.

Careers in Visual Art

Career Resources

Special Programs