
Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement

抖M女仆 awards college credit for Advanced Placement (AP) exams with scores of 3, 4, or 5. The AP Chart (PDF) gives information about these scores and credits earned. Specific questions regarding how these credits apply to your selected major must be directed to that college office. You should have original copies of your scores forwarded to 抖M女仆. KSU's code is 1367 for AP credit. Review additional AP credit information at the website. If you are a high school student and you asked the College Board to send your scores to 抖M女仆 when you took the tests in May, your scores will be evaluated in early August when Kent receives the score report.

You will receive an E-mail to your @kent.edu address when your credit has been posted.

If you did not ask the College Board to send your scores to Kent, you will need to contact the College Board directly. You can find information on ordering official AP Score Reports for colleges at  

E-mail: apexams@info.collegeboard.org


In cases of difficulties obtaining an AP score report, you may be able to have your AP credit transferred from another Ohio Public school's transcript.  Contact your advisor if you would like to petition to have your AP credit entered from your Ohio transcript. Scores may need to be confirmed by the other school's registrar.