Ph.D. in Rhetoric & Composition - Completed Dissertations and Job Placement


Neiderman, Halle. The Consequences of Language in Occupying Institutional Space.  Dissertation Director: Pamela Takayoshi


Sterud, Sommer. Henry Ford College, Tracing Framing Processes in the Abortion Debate: An Ethnographic Investigation of a Pro-Life Lobbying Organization.  Dissertation Director: Derek Van Ittersum.

Le Rouge, Mary. Cleveland Institute of Music, How Literate Responses to Technical Communication Can Promote Practical Responses to Environmental Change :  Dissertation Director: Pamela Takayoshi.

Morris, William. MŮ, A Rhetorical Approach to Examining Writing Assessment Validity Claims :  Dissertation Director: Brian Huot.

McKeehen, Shannon. Tiffin University, Engaging Peer Response in First-year Composition: Writers, Readers, and Rapport :  Dissertation Director: Brian Huot.


Crosby, Aubrey, “News Media Representation of The Dakota Access Pipeline Protest (A Study Using Systemic Functional Linguistics).”  Dissertation Director: Patricia Dunmire.

Flick, Amy, Dissertation Title: “(Re)Defining Risk: An Examination of Harm Reduction Discourse and Language.”  Dissertation Director: Pamela Takayoshi. Dr. Flick currently has a faculty position at the University of Pittsburgh.

Lawrence, Sarah Mary,  Dissertation Title: “A Rhetoric of Self-Injury: Establishing Identity and Representing the Body in Online Self-Injury Forums.” Dissertation Director: Sara Newman.

Lee, Yvonne Renee,“Writing Toward Expert: The Writing Center's Role in the Development of Graduate Writers.”  Dissertation Director: Pamela Takayoshi.

Matus, Lauren A, Judging Knowledge: Conceptions of Literacy at UNESCO during the United Nations Literacy Decade 2003-2012  Dissertation Director: Sara Newman

Rowell, Christina Elizabeth, “Capturing the Dynamic Whole: Multimodal Composing Processes of Fashion Design Students.”  Dissertation Director: Derek Van Ittersum.

Sharier, Jason A, “Conceptualizing Composition: How College-writers (and Instructors) Use Figurative Thinking to Conceptualize, Acquire, and Enact Literacy.”  Dissertation Director: Sara Newman.


Olding, Christine Jane, “Composing Processes of Musicians: A Case Study Approach.” Dissertation Director: Pamela Takayoshi

Saternus, Julie. “Multilingual Literacy Practice in One School Community: Reading, Writing, and Being Across Japanese and English.” . Dissertation Director: Derek Van Ittersum


George, Barbara, "Literate Practices: Public Deliberations about Energy and Environmental Risks." . Advisor: Pamela Takayoshi. Dr. George is an Assistant Professor (TT) at MŮ, Stark Campus, in North Canton, Ohio.


Laffey, Seth Edward, "The Letters of Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Digital Edition (1889-1895)." Advisor: Paul Gaston. . Dr. Laffey is an Assistant Professor of English at the American University in Dubai.

MacDonald, Sarah Nicole, "Working Women's Life Writing and Authorial Competency." . Advisors: Margaret Shaw and Sara Newman.


Baker, Alexis, "Identity and resistance: Understanding representations of ethos and self in women's Holocaust texts." . Advisor: Sara Newman. Dr. Baker is a full-time Instructor in the English and Communications Faculty at Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland.

Greve, Curt, "Reading beyond the folder: Classroom portfolio assessment as a literacy event." . Advisor: Brian Huot.


Byrne, Kathryn, "The give and take of peer review: Utilizing modeling and imitation." Advisor: Sara Newman. Dr. Byrne is the Writing Center Director at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas.

Corey, Jessica, "Literate artifacts and psychosocial compositions: Feminist activism's composing, archiving, and revising of social narratives." Advisor: Pam Takayoshi. Dr. Corey is an Assistant Teaching Professor and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies at Syracuse University in New York.

Goldstein, Dayna, "A MacDonald's sentence style disciplinary analysis of honors theses in three genres." Advisor: Ray Craig. Dr. Goldstein is an Instructor in the Writing and Linguistics program at Georgia Southern University.

McCracken, Christopher, "Mess management in microbial ecology: Rhetorical processes of disciplinary integration." Advisor: Derek Van Ittersum. Dr. McCracken is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse.


Johnson, Seth, "History, myth and secularism across the borderlands: The work of Michael Chabon." Advisor: Lewis Fried. . Dr. Johnson is an Instructor in the English Departments at MŮ and Cleveland State University.

Krishnan, Uma, "A cross cultural study of the literacy practices of the Dabbawalas: Towards a new understanding of nonmainstream literacy and its impact on successful business practices." Advisor: Brian Huot. . Dr. Krishnan is a Professor in the English Department at MŮ.

Sloan, Phillip, "Assembling the identity of 'writer.'" Advisor: Sara Newman. . Dr. Sloan is an Associate Professor of English at Oakton Community College in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Povozhaev, Lea, "Addiction rhetoric: Conceptual metaphors in conversational illness narratives." Advisor: Sara Newman. . Dr. Povozhaev is an Instructor in the English Department at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio.

Wagoner, Elizabeth, "Interpreting the multimodal novel: A new method of textual scholarship." Advisor: Ray Craig. . Dr. Wagoner is an Instructor in the English Department at MŮ.


Oztan, Meltem, "Indelible Legacies: Transgenerational Trauma and Therapeutic Ancestral Reconciliation in KindredThe Chaneysville IncidentStigmata and The Known World."  Advisor: Willie H. Harrell. . Dr. Oztan-Meli is a member of the faculty for the Office of International Affairs and Global Strategies at the University of Central Florida. 

Hanes, Stacie, "The sense and sensibility of the 19th-Century fantastic." Advisors: Kathe Davis and Margaret Shaw. . Dr. Hanes is an Adjunct Instructor at Youngstown State University. 

Hall, Alexander C. O., "Reel Hope: Literature and the Utopian Function of Adaptation." Advisor: Willie Harrell, Jr. . Dr. Hall is an Adjunct Instructor at MŮ. 

Barbara Karman, MŮ Director: Sara Newman 19th Women and Humor: The Emergence of Feminist Humor.

Lindsay Steiner, University of Wisconsin LaCrosse Director: Pamela Takayoshi The Available Means of Design: A Rhetorical Investigation of Professional Multimodal Composing. 

Yvonne Teems Stephens, Hofstra University Director: Pamela Takayoshi The Discursive Construction of Identity and the Body by Members of a Senior Center Yoga Class.  


Courtney Werner, Hope College Director: Pamela Takayoshi Disciplining New Media: Rhetoric and Composition's Disciplinary Development through the Case of New Media 2000-2010.

Nicole Caswell, Eastern Carolina University Director: Brian Huot Reconstructing Emotion: Understanding the Relationship between Teachers' Emotions and Teachers' Response Practices.

Holly Wells, East Stroudsburg University Director: Sara Newman Picture a Scientist: A Visual Rhetoric Approach to the Problem of Gender Disparity in Stem Fields.

Jennifer Cunningham, MŮ, Stark Director: Brian Huot "jus showin sum luv 2 yo page!": The Features, Functions, and Implications of Digital African American Language.

Diana Awad Scrocco, Youngstown State University Director: Sara Newman An Examination of the Literate Practices of Resident Physicians and Attending Physician Preceptors in a Residential-Run Internal Medicine Clinic.

Jill Hawkins Director: Pamela Takayoshi Sounds Write: Embracing Multimodal Texts as Literate Composition.

Melissa Selby, Stark State University Director: Ray Craig Expanding the Definition of Multimodality: Identifying Key Processes in Students' Designing.


Sigrid Streit, Pennsylvania State University Director: Sara Newman Gesture and Rhetorical Delivery: The Transmission of Knowledge in Complex Situations.  

John Oddo, Carnegie Mellon University Director: Christina Haas Traversing the 24-Hour News Cycle: A Busy Day in the Rhetorical Life of a Political Speech.

Patrick Thomas, University of Dayton Director: Pamela Takayoshi A Discourse-Based Analysis of Literacy Sponsorship in New Media: The Case of Military Blogs.

Elizabeth Tomlinson, West Virginia University Director: Sara Newman Conceptualizing Audience in Digital Invention.

Jillian Hill, University of Houston Director: Ray Craig Collaborative writing activities at Midwest Utility.

Yuri Maziev Director: Ray Craig A Vygotskian Critique of Current Writing Theory


Emily Wierszewski, Seton Hill University Director: Ray Craig A Readerly Eye: Teachers Reading Student Multimodal Texts.

Dirk Remley, MŮ Director: Brian Huot This Community's Literacy has been Sponsored by....: An Historical Case Study of the Literate Impact of the Boomtown Arsenal on the Community of Fieldview, Ohio from 1940-1960.


Lewis Caccia, Jr. Director: Sara Newman Risk Communication in the Workplace: An Analysis of Communications Toolkits as Rhetoric Practice.

Christa Teston, The Ohio State University Director: Christina Haas Deliberative Decision-Making in One Medical Workplace Setting.

Chad Wickman, Auburn University Director: Christina Haas Displays of Knowledge: Text Production and Medial Reproduction in Scientific Practice.


Jeffrey Perry, Indiana University Southeast Director: Brian Huot Institutional Cunning: Writing Assessment as Social Reproduction.


David Overby, Bellarmine University Director: Christina Haas Verifying Web-Based Information: Investigating Professional Communicator's Online.


Kenneth Marunowski Director: Christina Haas The Euro: An Ethnography of Inscription and Incorporation.

Kathryn Weiss, Salem Community College Director: John Ackerman Reconceiving Material Rhetoric: Literacy Beyond Language at MŮ's May 4 Memorial.


Hunter Stephenson, University of Houston Clear Lake Director: Stephen P. Witte Kairos, Production, and Writing.


Kerrie Farkas, Millersville University Director: Christina Haas Deliberative Rhetoric in the Civic Arena: A Taxonomy of Discourse in a Local City Government.