Current Initiatives

Key Focus Areas for 2023-2024

  • Scholarship Universe 
  • Curriculum Recoding
  • Project Advise
  • One Stop Revisioning
  • SLATE Enroll
  • Recruitment Plan
  • Retention


SEM Guiding Principles

  • Ensure students are central to the academic enterprise and the focus of university action
  • Provide an equitable student experience
  • Foster flexibility and responsiveness to changing environments
  • Encourage diversity of thought
  • Support a collaborative approach
  • Inspire innovation over complacency
  • Expand technology to support and enhance student success
  • Promote responsible decision-making


SEM Outcomes

  • Become a Student Ready College
  • Develop an optimal enrollment plan that focuses on academic program alignment, net tuition growth and student aid optimization
  • Understand curricular/program needs with student/market demand
  • Strengthen university brand with internal and external stakeholders to improve market position
  • Enhance and diversify financial position
  • Improve data efficiencies and enhance technology support to increase student success
  • Reduce complexity and gain greater efficiencies
  • Enhance the student experience throughout the lifecycle
  • Increase access and completion
  • Improve post enrollment metrics