
Students' academic needs are of primary importance to the Department. Students participate in various departmental committees as indicated in Section I of this Handbook.

At the undergraduate level, the curriculum and student services are coordinated by the Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator. The Undergraduate Psychological Sciences Office serves as a focus for professional advising activities, but individual Faculty members are responsible for providing faculty advising (e.g., academic counseling) to those students assigned to them. 

Student advising at the graduate level is coordinated by the Directors of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Science Training. At the graduate level, students will typically develop a more tutorial relationship with the Faculty member who is directing the student's dissertation, the "major Professor."

Students should always, however, be able to approach any Faculty member in the Department to obtain advice on academic matters.

Students who are dissatisfied with a grade received in a class are encouraged to talk with the instructor about the problem. If informal methods fail to satisfy the student, a grievance procedure is available. This procedure is given in Section 3342-4-02.3 (Administrative policy and procedure for student academic complaints) of the University Policy Register. The dismissal and appeal procedure for graduate students is given in the Departmental Operating Procedures Manual.