Evidence of Accomplishment in Teaching, Research and University Service

Evidence of accomplishment in teaching, research and university service may be demonstrated by student evaluation, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, client evaluation, external colleague evaluation, and/or adjudication.  In addition, Faculty members who apply for Merit  Awards are expected to provide documented evidence, which may include:

  • demonstrated significant involvement in curricular development and/or review;
  • measures of student achievement such as student performance on nationally standardized examination(s), publications by students, student awards or other recognition, etc.;
  • seeking and securing professionally-reviewed research and/or service training grants, especially extramural awards;
  • professionally-reviewed and refereed articles such as, monographs, and books in the candidate's field;
  • invited participation in programs or presentations of papers at professional meetings at the state, regional, national, and/or international level;
  • significant creative activity, such as invited/juried exhibitions, performances, compositions, etc.,
  • participation and leadership in professional and learned societies;
  • significant public service to a Faculty member's profession;
  • evidence of outstanding achievement, such as awards, patents, and copyrights;
  • outstanding service to the University, department/school/independent college, academic college, Campus, and Regional Campuses System beyond the normal expectations for all Faculty members as evidenced by elected positions within the University, election as chair of councils, committees or task forces, or appointment to University-level committees.