Great Place Initiative Work Group and Subcommittees


Upon review of data and assessments, four subcommittees have formed to carry out specific tasks and responsibilities. The subcommittee representation allows us to engage a much larger constituent group of the university community to ensure all voices are heard and incorporated.


The Great Place Initiative Task Force reviews and conducts a deep dive into the primary data sources in order to identify areas of overlap, as well as focus for short and long-term efforts. The data has been divided into four core constituent categories:

  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff

Smaller work groups focus on the specific constituent group, and opportunities to address intersecting issues across constituent groups.

In June 2018, two Ad-Hoc Subcommittees were also formed to address specific areas of opportunity identified by the Climate Study data.

  • Ad-Hoc Subcommittee on Race
  • Ad-Hoc Subcommittee on Accessibility

The GPI Task Force focuses on vertical climate issues that affect the entire University community, whereas Colleges and Divisions are asked to focus on horizontal climate issues that affect their spheres of influence and oversight.