Computer Lab Information

University Housing has two computer labs located in the residence halls. The current minimum system configuration is as follows:

Intel Core i7-8 700, 8GB RAM, and 22" widescreen displays.

The labs are located in the following areas: 
Twin Towers (14 Computers)
Manchester Hall (4 Computers)

In an effort to keep up with technology changes, these labs are intended to be evergreen and when possible, upgraded on a 3-4 year cycle.

To print in any of ¶¶MÅ®ÆÍ's computer labs, you will need to bring your flashcard in order to pay for printed pages (7 cents per page). There are three ways to add money to your FlashCard: Visit room 104 in the Kent Student Center and make a deposit via check, credit card, or cash. Use cash to add money at one of the DART machines. (There are three on campus. The first is located on the first floor of the University Library, the second in the first floor lobby of the Kent Student Center adjacent to the Student Organization offices, and the third, on the second floor of the Business Building next to the computer lab.) Add money to your account online (you can also check your balances) by going to the FlashCard Website.