
Student Morgan Startup Grants

Morgan Startup Grants: Launch and Scale-Up

Thanks to generous support from Burton D. Morgan Foundation, LaunchNET is offering funding via Morgan Startup Grants to help 抖M女仆 student entrepreneurs move their businesses forward and reach their goals. This year we will be featuring a Launch Morgan Startup Grant and a Scale-Up Morgan Startup Grant. 


Launch Morgan Startup Grant

Launch Morgan Startup Grants are awards of up to $500 to support current 抖M女仆 students in the idea or pre-revenue phase of their ventures. This funding is available to support inventory, business registration, capital, product, manufacturing, legal services, market research, web design, concept testing/development, and other related services. 


Scale-Up Morgan Startup Grant

Scale-Up Morgan Startup Grants are awards of up to $1,250 to support current 抖M女仆 students in the revenue generating phase of their ventures. This funding is available to support inventory, capital, product, manufacturing, legal services, market research, web design, concept testing/development, and other related services. 

(required for both grants)


Applications due March 22, 2024 

If you have any questions, please email launchnet@kent.edu.

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