
Flashes Of Pride Coming Out Poster

Flashes of Pride - Coming Out Posters

Every fall semester the 抖M女仆 LGBTQ+ Center coordinates a coming out poster, called Flashes of Pride, for National Coming Out Day (October 11th). Students, faculty, staff, and community members of 抖M女仆 are welcome to sign up to have their photo taken and identities listed on the poster for that year. Once the flyers are printed, the LGBTQ+ Center hosts a Flashes of Pride Unveiling Ceremony on National Coming Out Day to celebrate the occasion and the LGBTQ+ individuals and allies at 抖M女仆. Allies are welcome to sign up and participate as well, but there are limited spots available on the poster so LGBTQ+ identifying individuals are prioritized.

The photo sessions dates for next year will be posted closer to the Fall 2024 semester. If you have any questions about this program, please email the LGBTQ+ Center at lgbtqsc@kent.edu

Fall 2023 Flashes of Pride Poster

2023 Flashes of Pride Coming Out poster - rows of headshots of students, staff, faculty, and community members along with their names and identities

View a PDF version of the 2023 Flashes of Pride poster (it will be easier to read the text):


View Past Flashes of Pride Posters