
PBS Western Reserve

Sophia Gillespie

Internship: PBS Western Reserve

At her internship with PBS Western Reserve, Digital Media Production senior Sophia Gillespie works in many areas of production. She edits promos for Sesame Street, various cooking shows and live performances using Adobe Premiere Pro, and adjusts audio levels and adds closed captioning to news programming. PBS Western Reserve is Ohio's largest PBS station and serves 4.9 million viewers in Northeast Ohio and Pennsylvania. 


Sophia says her Digital Media Production classes have given her confidence to take on this work. 

"The professors are very supportive of my ideas and advise me on how to keep improving my work," she says. "Having gotten my certification in Adobe Premier Pro in my Digital Video editing course was very helpful in being able to adapt to the PBS Western Reserve workspace. I am grateful for this opportunity and all of the help that my professors have given me."

All students in the School of Media and Journalism are required to complete an internship. Read about more student experiences here