
Administrative policy regarding employment of a near relative

  1. There is no objection to the appointment of members of families throughout the university, regardless of relationship, so long as one family member is not in a position to influence a decision in favor of or against the other.
  2. Therefore, pursuant to the guidelines for enforcement of Executive Order 11246 as promulgated by the United States department of health, education and welfare, university employees shall neither initiate nor participate in institutional decisions involving a direct benefit or detriment to members of their immediate families.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Administrative policy regarding employees paid on a salary basis

  1. Purpose. It is the university's intent to comply with all requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). All supervisors and managers, therefore, are only authorized to make proper deductions from the salaries of exempt employees. Furthermore, it is also the university's intent to inform employees of this policy and ensure them that the university does not allow deductions that violate the FLSA.
  2. Eligibility. The policy applies to all unclassified full-time salaried employees who are paid on a salary basis.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Administrative policy regarding electronic communications for students

  1. Introduction. Kent state university is committed to using the most advanced technology available to communicate with students and recognizes an expanding reliance on electronic communication among students, faculty, staff, and the administration due to the convenience, speed, cost-effectiveness, and environmental advantages of using electronic communication. Therefore, the electronic communications student policy will provide procedures and regulations to govern the use of electronic communications between the university and the students.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Administrative policy regarding disqualification of students from programs for other than academic reasons

  1. Purpose. In certain programs of study, students may not be effective in their chosen area because of factors other than academic qualifications, such as personality. Such programs are often designed to train students to perform guidance roles upon completion of their educational requirements. In such cases, a student's personality may be detrimental to his or her effective functioning in his or her chosen area.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Administrative policy regarding disclosure of social security numbers by students

  1. Purpose. First begun in 1967, the university requires that all students having a social security number disclose that number to the university. The student's social security number becomes his or her student I.D. number which is the identifier of the student used on most university records.
  2. Operational procedure. The student's and the university's rights and responsibilities concerning the student I.D.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Administrative policy regarding credit card security

  1. Policy statement. For the express purpose of protecting credit card account information stored or transmitted through university resources and in furtherance of the university's objective in maintaining secure financial transactions, this policy implements a university-wide compliance program regarding the security of credit card transactions.
  2. Scope.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024
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