
Warning Tag Descriptions


Red Tag

Text-Only version of Red Tag for screen reader users

A Red Tag is a notification that the vehicle is parked in violation of University Policy.

If your vehicle has received this warning, DO NOT PARK ON CAMPUS until you have contacted Parking Services. This includes metered zones (parking meters and Passport zones), pay station lots and the Student Center visitor's lot.    


Yellow Tag

Text-Only version of Yellow Tag for screen reader users

A Yellow Tag is a warning that the vehicle has been booted.

  • If your vehicle has been booted, contact Parking Services immediately.
  • Do not attempt to drive your vehicle while the boot is attached. Severe damage to the vehicle may occur.
  • Do not attempt to remove the boot yourself. Any person(s) who tampers with or damages a boot will be held responsible for any and all damages to university property, and may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. In addition, a $100 tampering fee will be added to the ticket (s) and booting fee.
  • Boot fee for first and second offense: $50 each
  • Boot fee for third and above offense: $75 each
  • Boot fee must be paid by cash or credit card before the vehicle will be released.
  • If Parking Services is not contacted by 9 p.m. your vehicle may be towed and impounded at additional expense to you.


Orange Tag

Text-Only version of Orange Tag for screen reader users

An Orange Tag is a notification that the vehicle is now under "Frequent Violator" status. This vehicle can be booted or towed any time it is found parked illegally on university property.

Continued violations may also result in referral to Student Conduct and/or the suspension of parking privileges.


Green Tag

Text-Only version of Green Tag for screen reader users

A Green Tag is placed on a vehicle that is parked in a lot that frequently becomes full and causes complaints from valid permit holders or because the vehicle has been ticketed previously in the same lot.

If this vehicle is parked illegally in a lot where it was previously "green tagged", the vehicle will be booted or towed at the owner's expense, regardless of the status of previous tickets.