
The policies and procedures for reappointment are included in the University policy and procedures regarding Faculty reappointment (See, University Policy Register 3342-6-16).  In reviewing the terms and conditions of reappointment these policies should be consulted.  Each academic year, reappointment guidelines are distributed by the Office of the Provost.  Probationary tenure-track Faculty members are reviewed by the Department’s Ad Hoc RTP Committee. The unit administrator will make copies of the guidelines, timetables and other information concerning reappointment reviews available to all probationary Faculty members no later than three weeks before the deadline for submission of materials.

Probationary Faculty members are responsible for the collection and submission of all necessary/required documents that will used in their evaluation. All probationary Faculty must create an updated file that will be made available to the Committee for the evaluation. Probationary tenure-track Faculty will be reviewed by the Department’s Ad Hoc RTP Committee which then votes on the Faculty member’s reappointment. Members of the RTP committee must vote one of three alternatives, ‘yes,’ ‘yes, with reservations,’ or ‘no.’ A simple majority of the reappointment committee members will constitute an endorsement to the unit administrator for reappointment.  A vote of ‘yes with reservations’ counts as a positive vote to reappoint the probationary Faculty member, but it should be considered by the candidate to indicate an expression of concern regarding progress.  Upon reappointment, the candidate is encouraged to take note of the written comments associated with any “yes, with reservations” and /or “no” votes and should address these concerns in the next years’ review.

The Chair independently assesses the accomplishments of each probationary Faculty member and forwards her/his recommendation and the committee's recommendation to the Dean.  Probationary Faculty members who are not to be reappointed must be notified according to the schedule established in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 

In the event that concerns about a candidate’s performance are raised during the reappointment process, the Ad Hoc RTP Committee and the Chair shall provide detailed, prescriptive comments to serve as constructive feedback.  The Chair, in consultation with the FAC, will advise and work with the candidate on a suitable, positive plan for realignment with the Department’s tenure and promotion expectations; however, the candidate is solely responsible for her/his success in implementing this plan.  For Faculty members following the traditional tenure clock for Assistant Professors, the review after completion of three (3) full years in the probationary period at MŮ is particularly critical.  The review will give candidates specific feedback on their progress toward tenure and that message is both “instructive and evaluative.”

Probationary Faculty should be aware that reappointment is contingent upon the demonstration of adequate progress toward the requirements for tenure and promotion. It is important that the probationary Faculty is prepared to articulate short, medium, and long-term plans for achieving these goals. For Faculty members on the traditional tenure clock track (six years), the review after completion of three (3) full years in the probationary period is particularly important. Faculty members reviewing a candidate for reappointment after the third year in the probationary period should consider the record of the candidate’s achievements since hired at MŮ.  This record should be considered a predictor of future success toward tenure and promotion. The indicator of a successful candidate is a strong record of scholarly research/publications and/or creative scholarship to the interdisciplinary field of Pan-African Studies. This record can be demonstrated through the review of candidate’s peer-reviewed or refereed scholarly publications and/or creative scholarship (directing/production of plays and performances, films/ documentaries, written plays or poetry) and efforts at seeking grants. A candidate who fails to demonstrate likely success in the tenure process will be notified promptly that he/she will not be reappointed.

Personal and/or family circumstances do occur that may require an untenured or probationary Faculty member to request that his/her probationary period be extended. Upon request, a Faculty member may be granted an extension of the probationary period often called “tolling” or “stopping the tenure clock.” The University policy and procedures governing modification of the Faculty probationary period is included in the University Policy Register. (See, University Policy Register 3342-6-13).