Current Graduate Students

Areas of Interest

William Bearce (he/him)

Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Medieval Arabic Philosophy wbearce@kent.edu
Kimberly Beasley (she/her) Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy kbeasle6@kent.edu
Nathan Brant (he/him) History of Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Care Ethics, Metaphysics nbrant2@kent.edu
Josh Dye (he/they) Philosophy of Liberation, Philosophy of Education, Hermeneutics, Feminist Philosophy, Queer Theory jdye14@kent.edu
Will Farlow (he/him) Analytic metaphysics, Logic, Ethics wfarlow1@kent.edu
Anya Galperin (she/her) Philosophy of Religion, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenology, Ancient Philosophy, Metaphysics agalper1@kent.edu
Wes Hankins   whankin1@kent.edu
Colt Hutchinson (he/him) 20th Century French Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marx and Marxism(s), German Idealism, Critical Theory dhutchi8@kent.edu
Timothy Lin (he/him) 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Phenomenology, Critical Theory, Aesthetics, Environmental Ethics, Topoanalysis tlin11@kent.edu
Karl Palomino Flores (he/him) Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Analytical Marxism kpalomin@kent.edu
Abijeet Pant 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Hermeneutics, History of Analytic Philosophy, Pragmatism, Political Philosophy, Epistemology apant2@kent.edu
Brenden Short (he/him) Phenomenology, Ancient Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Science bshort9@kent.edu
Paul Smith   psmith76@kent.edu
Kevin Stetka   kstetka1@kent.edu
Cody Tangeman Aristotelian Philosophy, Thomistic Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy ctangem1@kent.edu
Tera Vangelos   tvangelo@kent.edu