
Tutoring Expectations

Expectations of me as a Tutee


  • Bring materials to review with the tutor (lecture handouts, notes, study guides, etc.) and have questions ready so our time can be most efficiently spent
  • Understand that I am responsible for my grade and will do my best to attend class, take good notes and study
  • Acknowledge that tutoring is a supplement to lecture and NOT a replacement to attending scheduled class times

Attendance (Not applicable to walk-in tutoring)

  • Attend sessions at appointed times
  • Tutors are busy students such as myself and may or may not wait if tutees are late to appointments
  • Email the tutor (not the Tutoring Center) if I cannot attend a session
  • Failure to show up multiple times to tutoring sessions without notification will unfortunately block me from making any additional appointments for tutoring
  • I will have to contact the Tutoring Services to allow me to schedule appointments again

What I can expect from the tutors

  • Their best ability to help me learn and do the work on my own
  • Help from the tutor, but understand their job is not to do work for me
  • Attendance on time to appointments and notification if a scheduled appointment cannot be kept (not applicable to walk-in tutoring).
  • Content knowledge, but they may not be able to answer every question. Tutors may not have taken the class for some time and no one remembers or knows everything!
  • Personal one-on-one tutoring for scheduled appointments but realize walk-in tutoring may or may not be one-on-one due to the demands at that time
  • Understanding and patience

Please respect the wishes and differences of the other tutors and students and work peacefully together with them.

Please communicate clearly and kindly if you do not understand the tutor鈥檚 explanation. Failure to notify the tutor if you do not understand only lessens the assistance that tutors generously want to give.