
Spotlight Anna Berry

Q&A with Anna Berry; Environmental Studies Major and Business and Sustainability Minors

Hometown: Canton, OH

  • Office of Sustainability Intern
Anna Berry
  • What is your area of research or interest?
    I have a lot of different interests within my major, sustainability being a major one. I think all aspects of it are really interesting since it's relatively new and the technology is always changing. I'm very interested in working to better the food system, making sustainability more accessible and implementing it at home, as well as the economic impacts of sustainability.
  • What made you interested in pursuing this area?
    During high school I took an Environmental Science class that I absolutely loved. Ever since that class the environment has been really important to me and I wanted to dedicate my career to protecting it. I've also always loved science and although I am not perusing a science degree, I've been able to take many different types of science classes which I've really enjoyed.
  • What sparked your interest in sustainability in both your professional and/or personal life?
    Sustainability and my degree can really go hand in hand. Because of my knowledge about the environment and how to help decrease our impacts, it seemed like implementing sustainability in my personal life was almost an obvious thing to do for me. In my brain, sustainability is really something that is our duty as humans to carry out. 
  • What are your favorite accomplishments or projects you have worked on so far? 
    Last semester I completed my Integrative Senior Project with Dr. Aimee Ward. I decided to research KSU students' thoughts and actions concerning sustainable food consumption. I am really interested in looking at the global food system from a sustainability perspective, which is such a huge issue and feels very daunting sometimes as single human beings. So, I wanted to study the aspects of the current system but also see if the idea of sustainable food consumption makes its way into 抖M女仆 undergraduate's food choices.
  • What type of work, research, or projects are you working on this year?
    This year I've been interning at KSU's Office of Sustainability which has been a really great experience! I've been interested in working in sustainability for a while and this has been a really great opportunity to get started before I graduate. I think a lot of our projects are really exciting and interesting and I have learned a lot! Some of the things I've recently done include installing sensors on campus trash and recycling dumpsters, analyzing our data from our recent commute modal split survey, tabling at events on campus, and helping out with our various events. 
  • What career or path do you see yourself pursuing after graduation?
    As of right now I'd love to be a Sustainability Analyst, Environmental Scientist, or Sustainability Consultant. I'm pretty open at this point because while I feel well rounded in my experiences, there are so many other areas that I may love. I'm super open to change and I'm sure that my preferences will change at some point or another!

Thank you Anna!