
CCP Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is the College Credit Plus (CCP) program and who can participate?

The College Credit Plus program is designed to allow college-ready students, grades 7-12 who qualify for college admission, the opportunity to earn middle/high school and college credit. College Credit Plus can include courses offered on a college campus, online or at the middle/high school for which credit is awarded from the college. 


  • Who pays for College Credit Plus students' tuition and books?

The public middle/high school and college share the costs according to a formula established by the State of Ohio or a negotiated agreement. Students who withdraw from or fail classes, fail to return books, or return items in a damaged condition may be responsible for the associated costs. Homeschooled students are required to pay for their own books. While tuition costs are covered for public school students up to the state's 30-hour limit, private and home-schooled students must apply for state funding each year; additional information can be found at .


  • How do interested students apply for admission to the College Credit Plus program?

Interested students should do the following:

  1. Attend a College Credit Plus Information Session at your middle/high school or 抖M女仆. Notify your school district of your intent to participate in the program by April 1, even if you think you may wait until the spring semester to attend.
  2. Take the ACT, if you desire, or you will be instructed to take the Accuplacer assessment at 抖M女仆 Tuscarawas when your application is received (if necessary). The Accuplacer assessment is offered, free of charge, to CCP applicants. The ACT is given to all high school juniors, free of charge, at their high schools in either February or March (check with your high school for details). 
  3. Complete the College Credit Plus Admission Application online and submit other required items. All required documents must be received by the deadline.


  • What and how many classes can a College Credit Plus student take at 抖M女仆?

Students in the first 15 hours of CCP work must take Ohio Transfer Module (OTM), Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG), or Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAG) courses. After completing 15 CCP hours, students may take any class for which they meet the prerequisites. There are some non-allowable courses. Careful coordination with the middle/high school guidance counselor is necessary in order to be sure all middle/high school requirements are being fulfilled. Admitted students will meet with their College Credit Plus advisor to select and register for classes and should do so in consultation with their middle/high school counselor.


  • How are College Credit Plus classes different from traditional college classes?

Students participating in this program can anticipate the same level of course content, rigor and expectations as found in a regular college-level class. This is true regardless of whether the course is delivered online, on the college campus, or at the middle/high school. Students should carefully consider whether they possess the academic ability, social and emotional maturity necessary to succeed in college-level courses, and willingness to participate in classes with students and professors of varying ages and backgrounds. The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.


  • Do classes taken as a College Credit Plus student apply to degrees at 抖M女仆 and/or transfer to other colleges?

Credits earned as a College Credit Plus student apply to 抖M女仆 degree programs and will transfer to other colleges just as they would for a traditionally-enrolled student. 抖M女仆 students are subject to the degree requirements that are in effect when they enroll as a new freshman. Many entry-level courses earned at an Ohio public college are guaranteed to transfer to any other Ohio public college. Credits earned at private colleges, or those that you want to transfer to an out-of-state institution, will be evaluated by the institution you are planning to attend. Check with the college you are planning to attend to see how your College Credit Plus courses transfer. Check Transfer to Degree Guarantee at Ohio Higher Ed at .


  • Are college classes being offered at my middle/high school or on the 抖M女仆 campus?

Talk with your school counselor to determine if there are opportunities for earning college credit at your middle/high school. College Credit Plus students at 抖M女仆 generally take classes in-person on our campus.



Melissa Crites, CCP Coordinator
330-339-3391 | macrites@kent.edu