Ph.D. in Marketing Concentration

Ph.D. in Business Administration - Marketing Concentration

The Ph.D. in Marketing provides you with an in-depth understanding of the theories and research methods used to study interactions between firms and consumers. Students can focus their research in Consumer Behavior or Marketing Strategy. The coursework provides a foundation in these three areas as well as training in theory development, research design, and analytical methods. Students apply this knowledge to a series of research mentorship projects and ultimately to their dissertation in one of the three specializations. 



Courses in the marketing concentration focus on important topics in the field including marketing strategies and theories, buyer behavior, consumer psychology and more.



In addition to the tuition waiver and discounted health insurance, Ph.D. students in the Marketing concentration will receive a stipend of $30,000/year for four years. 

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In the research mentorship program, students are paired with one or two faculty members. Working jointly with the mentor(s) as a research team, they develop a research project, which the student presents in the department research forum to receive feedback from faculty and students. The faculty mentor(s) will be heavily involved in developing the theory, designing the research methodology, guiding the analysis, and crafting the research paper. Successful projects often go on to become conference presentations and published journal articles.

An important goal of the mentorship program is that students should be exposed to a variety of research perspectives. Students will be involved with different faculty mentors, with each mentor providing a different perspective on research, as well as differing individual strengths (and weaknesses). A new faculty/student assignment typically will be made during each year until the student reaches candidacy (i.e., passes comprehensive examinations). In most cases by the third year, students are working on research related to their dissertation.

Regardless of whether the project results in a publication, the student learns a great deal about the process of research from these experiences. The department research forum presentations further give the students the opportunity to develop and refine their research ideas and methodology as well as their presentation skills. These skills will help to prepare the student to present at research conferences and job interviews.


Graduates of our marketing doctoral program have accepted faculty positions at The State University of New York (SUNY), North Dakota State University, The University of Northern Colorado, Saint Bonaventure University, Midwestern University and The University of Tampa.