Criteria for Tenure and Promotion

As per University policy, “the unit handbook may recommend that candidates for tenure should be expected to meet the minimum criteria for promotion to Associate Professor and, in such cases, the higher standards that a candidate for early promotion is expected to meet may be applied to the candidate's application for early tenure as well. These criteria only apply to regional campus Faculty if a similar standard has been set in the regional campus handbooks.” MŮ at Tuscarawas expressly does not require that a candidate meet the minimum criteria for promotion to Associate Professor to earn tenure but does expect that candidates for tenure exhibit potential for promotion at some future date.

The RTP Committee shall consider the areas of Faculty performance described below when making recommendations on tenure and promotion. The tables and text provided are designed to facilitate assessment of performance of those candidates who are being evaluated for tenure and promotion. During the probationary period, the tables and text below should be used for developmental assistance and projection of future success in achieving tenure and promotion.

Because of the differences among disciplines and publication, presentation, performance, and/or exhibition venues it is inappropriate to quantify absolutely the criteria for assessment of an individual candidate’s portfolio of accomplishment. Each member of the RTP committee must necessarily apply his or her own professional judgment to make a final ballot recommendation based upon the standards of the relevant discipline, the testimony provided by the candidate’s file and peer reviewers, and the discussions during the RTP committee meetings. When all the evaluations are summarized, a recommendation will be made regarding a candidate’s whole performance, viewed as a unified, integrated record of a teacher-scholar and university citizen emerges consistent with the standards described within this section.

Candidates standing for reappointment and tenure are strongly encouraged to acknowledge these facts as they prepare their files and should endeavor to fully explain the level and context of accomplishment given their discipline, their year in the review process, and how they addressed issues raised in the previous year’s review.

Tables 1, 2, and 3 provide guidelines for the assessment of a Faculty member’s performance and a rating scale for use in the evaluation of candidates in three areas; Scholarship, Teaching and Service. For tenure decisions a rating of “excellent” in either teaching or scholarship, at least “very good” in the other category, and at least “good” in service are needed for a positive recommendation.  For promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor the Faculty member must meet the criteria for an “excellent” rating in either scholarship or teaching with at least a “very good” rating in the remaining two (2) categories.  A candidate for promotion to Professor must meet the criteria for an “excellent” rating in scholarship or teaching and at least “very good” in the remaining two (2) categories.  A candidate for promotion to Professor need not have equal activity in scholarship, teaching and service as he/she becomes more specialized.