University Service

A Faculty member's contributions as a University citizen include service to the Campus, academic unit (department/school/independent college), academic College, University, discipline and community as outlined in Table 3.  The quality of the candidate’s service should be evaluated by the extent of the individual’s contribution and the importance of the service to the mission of the academic unit served.  Being an active and useful citizen of the Campus, academic unit and University is expected and valued; however, service of any magnitude cannot be considered more important than a candidate's research and other scholarly activity and instructional responsibilities.

Table 3. Tuscarawas Campus Faculty: Assessment of University Service for Tenure and Promotion.



Citizenship Assessment


Accomplishments* Corresponding to the Assessment Score


Well-recognized record of professional service.

Well-recognized participation at the Campus, academic unit, academic College, University and/or professional disciplinary levels as evidenced by productive service on committees and taskforces, active participation in significant events, effectively chairing committees, completing specific administrative assignments and/or meaningful public engagement.

Very Good

Significant record of professional service.

Significant participation at the Campus, academic unit, academic College, University and/or professional disciplinary levels as evidenced by productive service on committees and taskforces, active participation in significant events, effectively chairing committees, completing specific administrative assignments and/or meaningful public engagement.


Acceptable record of professional service.

Dutifully participates in professional service at the Campus, academic unit, academic college, University and/or professional disciplinary levels. Actively participates on local committees, participates in specific administrative assignments and/or local public engagement activities.


Limited level of professional service.

Modestly participates in professional service at the Campus, academic unit, academic college, University and/or professional disciplinary levels on an intermittent basis.  Occasionally attends local committee meetings, participates in specific administrative assignments and/or local public engagement activities.


Insufficient record of professional service.

Does not meet service obligations at the Campus, academic unit, academic College, University and/or professional disciplinary levels in a timely manner or does not actively participate in significant Campus, academic unit, academic college and/or University level events and/or public engagement activities.

*These accomplishments are intended to be neither all-inclusive nor exclusionary