SH Process and Procedure

The steps below outline the process by which a Position Control Form is completed, submitted and reviewed. 

  1. A need is established for a position or a position change within a university unit.
  2. The requesting unit completes the Position Control Form and routes for unit and division approvals.
    • All levels of signatures/approvals are required.
  3. The requesting unit submits the Position Control Form as a Microsoft Excel document and supporting documentation to the Strategic Hiring Committee (SHC) via strategic_hiring@kent.edu
  4. The Strategic Hiring Committee Preparations Team completes a final assessment of all position requests and bundles requests together for the upcoming SHC meeting.
  5. The SHC renders a decision on position requests.
  6. Within a week of the SHC's final decision all Position Control Forms are returned to requesting units by Human Resources with notes dictating the requesting unit's next actions.

Submission Process Due Date Reminders

  • Submission of a position control form by the due date indicated does not guarantee that the committee will review the submission at the next meeting.  In order to be reviewed by the SHC, the submission must be complete and correct; all the fields of the form filled out and any necessary supporting documentation is included.  These attachments include, but are not limited to:  salary offer worksheet, organization chart, job description.  Funding source with index and account number must be clearly identified.
  • Much preparation is needed before submissions are given to the strategic hiring committee, so please submit your requests as soon as possible.  Your submission at or near the due date slows the preparation process and could hinder your submission going to the SHC meeting.