
Operational procedures and regulations regarding release of name and address listings

  1. Procedures for release of name and address listings from computer services.
    1. Any individual wishing to request rosters, labels or listings of university students, faculty, staff or associates from computer services should go to the appropriate sponsoring agency to secure an approval form.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding posting

  1. General posting procedure. The following procedures must be met in order to post on university bulletin boards. The facility curator is responsible for identifying the specific purpose of bulletin boards under their purview. Any posting not fulfilling the following requirements will be removed from the bulletin board by a member of the staff. All bulletin boards will be cleared at the end of every semester.
    1. One poster per bulletin board is permitted.
    2. The name of the organization sponsoring the poster must be clearly visible.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding jury duty absences for students

  1. In the event that a student is called for jury service, the student shall be allowed the option of withdrawing with a full fee refund and no penalty.
  2. When summoned for jury duty, students shall provide appropriate documentation to the dean of their college, school or regional campus. Students shall also contact and inform their instructors at this time.
  3. Upon completion of jury duty, students shall consult with each instructor to determine if coursework may be completed.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding job communication

  1. Purpose. It is the policy of the university to fill its employment vacancies by selecting from the available labor market those persons best qualified to perform the job related requirements of the employing unit and the university.
  2. Definitions. The following definitions and guidelines will be followed in pursuing these policy objectives:
    1. A "position" is a job that has been approved by the appropriate university administrator.
    2. An "open position" is a vacancy.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding half-staff for the flag and death notices

Policy statement. The flag on the front campus shall be lowered to half-staff only during periods of national mourning as declared by the federal government, or as directed by the office of the governor of the state of Ohio.

Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding flier and leaflets

  1. A "flier/leaflet" is defined as any printed matter distributed by hand, such as separate sheets, small notices or advertisements.
  2. Fliers and leaflets may be distributed:
    1. Outside buildings so long as pedestrian and vehicular traffic is not substantially impeded.
    2. Inside the Kent student center, except
      1. Near (approximately ten feet of) any doorway or stairway or in any manner so as to create a safety hazard or impede normal traffic,
      2. On stairways,
      3. In food service and other retail sales areas,
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding faculty office hours

  1. Policy statement. The purpose of this rule is to provide for minimum requirements regarding office hours required of faculty at Kent state university. The principal goal of office hours is to allow students access to faculty members. However, given the variations in time, location, and modality of courses (traditional, online or blended), it is possible that some flexibility within this rule may best serve student needs for access to faculty.
  2. Implementation.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding collection, retention and dissemination of information about students

  1. Purpose. In compliance with the university policy regarding the collection, retention and dissemination of information about students, the administrative policy contained in this rule has been established.
  2. Enforcement.
    1. The enforcement of this policy will be the responsibility of each major executive officer of the university and the supervisor of any office which retains information about students.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding change of grade

Faculty members may obtain a form for the purpose of changing a student's grade from their departmental offices, or, in the case of the college of fine and professional arts, from their school. The completed and signed form is to be returned to the departmental office for the chairperson's signature. The form is then to be submitted to the dean's office of the college in which the course is offered and then to be sent to the registrar for official recording. The student whose grade is in question must not be involved in the transmittal process of the forms.


Policy Effective Date:
Oct 03, 2024
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