Coaching Your Team

How exactly does a supervisor coach employees? What do coaches do? Practice coaching methods to help guide your employees through those tough development conversations. Discover seven characteristics of a coach, develop questions to engage employees in coaching conversations and practice holding different coaching conversations.

This workshop is idea for supervisors and managers.

Through Coaching Your Team, you will:

Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act (BC 2.5hrs)

This workshop, based on the 2008 Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act, gives learners an opportunity to understand the laws under the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA). Learners will increase their understanding of the original intent of the definition of disability, factors that qualify an individual as disabled, and information about the complaint process and the reasonable accommodation request process. Participants will:

Understand Your Role

As a leader, how can I create the best work environment for my team? The environment a supervisor creates impacts many areas including employee development, relationships, retention and more. Continuing from Focus Your Strengths, this introductory workshop overviews four critical roles that supervisors must understand when guiding their teams. 

Develop Your Team Performance

Add employee coaching to your supervisory tool belt! Effective coaches offer their employees leadership opportunities through development while promoting a positive, creative working environment.  This workshop examines performance management via case studies and activities to help supervisors become employee motivators and provides the GAP model for supervisors to use for improving employee performance.

This workshop is idea for supervisors and managers.

Through Develop Your Team Performance, you will:

Principles of Conflict Management (BC 3hrs)

Have trouble effectively dealing with workplace conflict? Ever feel like you spend too much time going around and around without any resolution?  Then, this is the course for you!

Guided by a self-assessment tool and practical exercises, you will:

  • Discover their preferred conflict management style
  • Learn how to distinguish between the different styles of conflict
  • Gain practical experience in applying conflict styles
  • Explore communication strategies

This workshop is ideal for all ¶¶MÅ®ÆÍ faculty and staff.

Project Planning Basics

Research shows that one hour of proper planning saves 10 hours of ‘doing’.  This workshop explores the planning process and rationale behind making problem-solving and decision-making easier. Learners engage in the ‘basics’ of planning a project, focusing on step-by-step instructions and tools to help eliminate problems before they arise. Learners walk away with hands-on experience using various methods and techniques to construct an effective plan from the ground up.

This workshop is idea for supervisors and managers.

Through Planning Basics, you will:

Managing the Change Curve

We face change on a daily basis, whether at work or home. It can be one of the most difficult situations to handle, especially if we resist the change. This workshop provides an assessment and model that addresses concerns learners have while moving through the four phases (denial, resistance, exploration and commitment) of change. Learners will explore the four phases of change, pinpoint their current stage in the transition process and develop an action plan for managing change transitions.

This workshop is ideal for managers and experienced supervisors.

Management Skills - Using DiSC to Direct and Delegate (Part 2 of 3)

Building upon information learned in Part 1, this workshop explores methods for managers to enhance their directing and delegating skillsets using DiSC to adapt to other styles. They will discuss and write a plan on how to effectively engage an employee that has a different style from their own.

This workshop is ideal for managers and experienced supervisors.

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