Evaluation of Scholarship

(Single author/producer/director/editor/presenter earns most credits)

Faculty Excellence Awards in scholarship and/or creative scholarship are designed to reward faculty productivity in terms of accomplishment and recognition. These accomplishments and recognition shall include refereed publications, presentations at professional conferences (local, regional, national, international, creative performances, exhibitions, installations, directing, written plays and/or poetry collections). To be considered for an award, the reported research must have been published or performed in the case of creative scholarship during the period under review. The reward of excellence also entails the measure of quality and quantity of the accomplishments. Self-published works will not be eligible for consideration. No specific subject or specialization area shall be ranked above others, so long as each is legitimately within the purview and mission of the interdisciplinary field of Pan-African Studies. The following works would be considered in determining meritorious accomplishments in research and creative scholarship. 

A. PUBLICATIONS (Across all areas of research, teaching and service)

    1. Books 
        a. Scholarly books (not edited)………………………….........................................    (10)____   
        b. Edited scholarly book……………………………………………………………(5) ____ 
        c. Textbooks………………………………………………………..........................    (5) ____
        d. New/revised edition of books……………………………………………………(3) ____

    2. Journals, Book Chapters, Monographs and Reports                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
        (List title, journal, all authors) 
        a.    Journals (referred), major review articles, invited articles, chapters in
        scholarly books …………………………………………….......................    (2)____
        b.    Edited scholarly journals (per volume)…………………………………...    (1)____
        c.    Monographs, research reports, working papers, etc………........................    (1)____
        d.    Book reviews, play reviews/film reviews, etc…………………………….    (1)____
        e.    Reprints of articles, chapters in additional journals ad books…………….    (1)____                      
        f.    Other (commissioned reports, encyclopedia entries, non-refereed and
        academic contributions, etc.)……………………………………………...    (1)____
    3. Documentary Film/Theatrical Production  
     a. Feature film length (2 hours or greater)
          i. Major companies and/or media release……………………………………(10)____
         ii. Research/educational films)…………………………………….................(5)____   

     b. Short film (less than 1 hour)
          i. Major companies and/or media release…………………………………...    (4)_____
         ii. Research/educational film)…………………………………….................    (2)___ 
     c. Theatrical productions (Directing/Design, etc.)……………………………..    (2)___                                                                       
    4. Creative Works 
        a. Books of poetry
            i  Full length (50 pages or greater)……………………………………………    (5)___                                                                        
            ii Chap books (less than 50 pages)……………………………………...........    (2)___                                                                        
        b. Novels………………………………………………………………………    (5)___                                                                        
        c. Playwriting……………………………………………………………........    (5)___                                                                        
        d. Anthologies
            i  Edited……………………………………………………………................    (1)___                                                                            
        ii Included or published works in anthologies.................................................    (2)___                                                                           
        e. Short works…………………………………………………………...........    (1)___                                                                            

B. PRESENTATIONS (include title, professional organization and scope-local, regional, national, international. Indicate if you were the presenter)
        a. Scholarly presentation/paper at professional conferences (refereed or invited)
        b. Invited talks in another department or other academic setting………………    (1/2)___                                                                         
        c. Colloquium or brown bags…………………………………………………    (1/2)___                                                                         
        d. Conference panel chair/discussant (local, regional, national and international)
        e. Performances (poetry readings, concerts, theatre/festivals) at local, regional, 
         national and international settings……………………………………………(1)____                                                                         

     (Across all categories of research, teaching and service)
    1. Extramural grant effort (counted the year the grant is awarded or the proposal acted upon, i.e., supported or not supported). 
        a.    Federal and foundation proposal, funded ($40k or greater)……………    (2)___                                                                        
        b.    Federal and foundation proposal not funded……………………………    (1/2)___                                                                              
        c.    Federal and foundation proposal, resubmitted and not funded…………    (1/2)___                                                                         
        d.    State proposal, funded ($40k or greater)……………………………….    (2)____                                                                        
        e.    State proposal, not funded…………………………………………………(1/2)___                                                                              
        f.    Continuation (multiple year) state award…………………………………(1/2)___                                                                          
        g.    Funded other sponsors (local, regional, federal and corporate) 

    2. Intramural grant effort
        a.   University or college proposal, funded (e.g., University Research Council
                University Teaching Council, etc.) over $10k………………………………(1/2)___                                                                         
        b.   University or college proposal, funded (e.g., University Research Council
                University Teaching Council, etc.) under $10k…………………………….(1/2)___                                                                          

Total Points (Research & Creative Scholarship)