Performance Reviews after (9) years of consecutive employment and (2) Full Performance Reviews

After nine (9) years of consecutive appointments, and every three (3) years thereafter, bargaining unit members shall undergo a performance review.  The performance review will follow the procedures and timelines established by the University, as annually distributed through the Office of Faculty Affairs, concluding with the college or, if applicable, the division of the regional campuses’ level of review and determination.  Members will electronically submit to the unit administrator a vita, summaries of student surveys of instruction, if applicable, and a narrative of up to five (5) pages in which the faculty member describes her or his professional activities during the past three (3) years.  A member of the bargaining unit who successfully completes this performance review is eligible for a three-year term of annually renewable appointments which is conditional from year to year only upon continued satisfaction with demonstrated performance, continued programmatic and staffing need within the academic unit, and continued budgetary resources supporting the position.  

At the conclusion of the performance review, the member of the bargaining unit is to be provided with a written summary of its outcome and conclusions and an indication of whether an additional appointment may be anticipated and, if so, under what programmatic, budgetary and/or anticipated staffing or projected enrollment circumstances.