Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP)

Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP): 

Individuals participating in the ARP will be treated similarly to those retiring under OPERS or STRS. Sick leave payout eligibility will depend on your combination of age and service years worked.

  • Regardless of age, you will need to make arrangements with your ARP provider to start withdrawing your funds.
  • You are responsible for purchasing your own medical plan and contacting Social Security regarding applying for Medicare.

MŮ Notification (after meeting with your ARP Provider):

Before notifying MŮ of your retirement, you should have determined your last working day as well as your actual retirement effective date.

  • To initiate your retirement from the University, submit a “Letter of Intent to Retire” or complete the Voluntary Resignation Form and give it to your direct supervisor. 
  • After you submit your retirement notification, your department will submit a Notification of Separation (NOS) workflow which triggers all University-related procedures to complete your retirement.  

MŮ Medical Benefits:

Set up an appointment with a Benefits Coordinator by email at or call 330-672-3107 to discuss the following:

  • MŮ health and life insurance coverage end dates
  • Medicare Verification of Coverage form (if needed)
  • Tax sheltering of sick leave and/or vacation payout
  • Letter for a retiree parking pass and Flashcard ID
  • Information about MŮ Retiree benefits

More Information MŮ Retirement Plans

Sick Leave Policy