Compliance Training



You should receive a refresher course reminder from CITI 90 days prior to your 3 year expiration date. Letting your training lapse more than 30 days will result in more coursework.    

Training For Research Involving Human Subjects

All researchers conducting research involving the use of human subjects must complete CITI before the MŮ Institutional Review Board (IRB) will approve a project. This includes:

  • GCP training must be completed by anyone engaged in a clinical trial.
  • Investigators conducting biomedical research must complete the Biomedical Research Investigators course.
  • Investigators conducting social, behavioral or educational research must complete the Social & Behavioral Research Investigators course.
  • HIPAA - if you are accessing HIPAA regulated information you must complete Information Privacy Security for Researchers in addition Biomed or SBR training.   
  • Students - Class Projects is required for Class Projects, it is not accepted for Level I, II, or III projects
  •  -  -

Training is valid for three years and can be updated by completing the applicable refresher course. 

Training for Research Involving Animals

Before the IACUC approves research involving the use of animals, all investigators and key personnel must complete:


  • Online CITI Animal Care and Use training
    •  Working with the IACUC and species and procedure appropriate modules, 
    •  and
  • Research Laboratory Safety training
  • Occupational Health Program for Persons Involved in Animal Care and Use


Refresher Course When Your Training has Expired

  1. Log into CITI training site.
  2. Click on Add a Course or Update Your Learner Groups for MŮ.
  3. Choose the Human Subjects radio button; then Next.
  4. Choose the Social and Behavioral Research Investigators or Biomedical Investigators radio button; then Next. The refresher course will be added to the “My Courses” section.

CITI Training for Responsible Conduct of Research

All undergraduate students, graduate assistants and postdoctoral fellows supported by National Science Foundation funding must complete CITI RCR training. 

If you have completed the CITI course at another institution and within the past three years, in most cases your credit can be transferred and merged with a MŮ CITI account by completing these steps:

  1. Log into  using your previous institution’s log-in credentials.
  2. From the Main Menu on your profile click on the link “Click here to affiliate with another institution.”
  3. In the Search for Organization box type and choose “MŮ.”

Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at 330-672-2070 if you have questions.


  1. Choose Responsible Conduct of Research from the list of training topics.
  2. You may select any subject matter area but we suggest choosing the field that best matches your discipline. The choices are:
  • Biomedical
  • Social and Behavioral
  • Physical Science
  • Humanities

CITI Training for Financial Conflict of Interest

All investigators supported by Public Health Service (PHS) funding, including funding from the National Institutes of Health, are required to complete CITI FCOI training. 

If you have completed the CITI course at another institution and within the past three years, in most cases your credit can be transferred and merged with a MŮ CITI account by completing these steps:

  1. Log into using your previous institution’s log-in credentials.
  2. From the Main Menu on your profile click on the link “Click here to affiliate with another institution.”
  3. In the Search for Organization box type and choose “MŮ.”

Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at 330-672-2070 if you have questions.

Lab Safety Training

All faculty, principal investigators, staff, students and volunteers who will be working in a research laboratory must complete safety training before beginning their lab research. Those using radioactive materials must also attend training before beginning their work; the radioactive training must be completed annually.

Research training areas include:

  • CITI Laboratory Chemical Safety Module which addresses general chemical safety concepts that include chemical storage and segregation, emergency planning, chemical fume hoods, hazard and risk assessment, PPE, lab waste management, hazardous chemical transport and compressed gas cylinder safety.
  • Radioactive Materials Training - includes ionizing radiation fundamentals, radiation training for non-radiation workers and regulatory requirements.
  • Biosafety Training - safe work practices in a biological lab.

Find more information on laboratory safety

Learn about Research Safety & Compliance