IACUC Approval Timeline

Different types of studies have different timetables for review. Studies that are reviewed through the designated review process may take approximately one (1) to four (4) weeks to be approved, from the time the protocol is logged into the ORC database. The timeline for final approval can vary, and depends upon the volume of applications that are being submitted and the completeness of the application.

It is important to remember that for studies that qualify for the designated review process, the IACUC meeting and agenda dates and deadlines are not applicable, and protocols are accepted by the ORC at any time. Studies that require review at a convened meeting, however, are reviewed once per month. Each meeting has a corresponding agenda deadline. A study must be submitted on or before the agenda deadline to be reviewed by the committee at that month's meeting. Typically, notification for the determinations reached at the full board meetings are emailed to investigators within two (2) weeks following the meeting date.